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Holy War
a person goes to Heaven right after they die, as the popular doctrines
teach, then our loved ones, who have passed on, are now looking down on
this earth seeing their sons and daughters being terrorized, maimed, and
tortured because of who they are? They
are also seeing the destruction of this earth and all that it causes, not
to mention the strife, diseases, death suffered by those like the Sudanese
people right now, not to mention the millions and millions who died under
such men as Attila the Hun and the rest of the terror mongrels, even the
Romans, and (not leaving Christianity out) the Roman Pontiffs, down to
Hitler, melosivich and all those of the past who mercilessly persecuted
humanity; So
in fact, they (any religion) are waging a war not against holiness but
against God and His word.
Y Think
about it……….mosescats.com The
following is an article I found while researching for “Holy Wars”
looking for Islamic connections worldwide and their influence and results
of that influence: No
more New York business with pro-slavery Sudan: activists News
Article by AFP on October 05, 1999 at 11:43:51: No
more New York business with pro-slavery Sudan: activists NEW
YORK, Oct 4 (AFP) - US
activists urged the city of New York Monday to stop conducting business
with the pro-slavery regime in Sudan, arguing Charles
Jacobs, president of the American Anti-Slavery Group (AASG), said Troops
loyal to Khartoum have abducted hundreds of thousands of women and
children in southern Sudan and forced to work as slaves for individuals or
the state over the past years, anti-slavery groups around the world The
UN children's agency, UNICEF, said earlier in the year that there was Most
of those enslaved are black Christians or Animists, the groups In
a special hearing with the city council Monday, Jacobs said the New The
Khartoum regime uses slavery as a weapon of terror, and has admitted The
AASG said that it has launched a national campaign to warn people Large
US mutual and pension fund managers, such as Vanguard and Fidelity,
include Talisman stock in mutual funds, Jacobs said. The
national teacher's pension fund, TIAA/CREF, also holds Talisman stock, "Imagine,
America's teachers educate our children about the horrors of Current
policy "makes millions of New Yorkers inadvertent partners to "In
Sudan a person can become the property of another for life, bought and
sold, traded and inherited, branded and bred," Jacobs said. The
special hearing was requested by New York city comptroller Alan In
July, the Zurich-based Christian Solidarity International group bought HOLY WARS
mosescats.com We look at the terrorism and destruction that has finally come to America and we point to Osama bin Laden as the worst of the worst and never once realize this is a Holy War for him in his mind and ideals, and he is doing these acts against a power (USA) his religion has condemned. Much like Sadam Hussain condemned the western world for projecting sin and promiscuity, as “we do”, and are guilty in any court. We can only understand this “Holy War” thing if we open our eyes to the past of which we have closed in our prejudice. The descendants of Ishmael and Isaac have been at war for centuries, since the time of Abraham, a person of whom even the scriptural literate[1] do not know because we have dismissed the old testament as irrelevant, and some do not even believe he existed because of his connection to God the creator of the universe of which the large majority of the world say is myth. Myth or not, these two societies of people still exist on this earth today, and believe me, they know their history and that is why they are still at war with each other as a result. The United States of America has unilaterally supported Israel both politically and spiritually because we share the same belief of our past history[2]. The followers of Islam who split their history at the time of Abraham have gone their own way under their own prophets and scriptures. Right or wrong for the USA only the scriptures can say; How did this split in the descendants of Abraham come about? Lets look at the scriptures “we have confirmed” through archeology; Gods promise to Abraham: Abraham was told by the creator of the universe that he was to be the father of a race of people who would inherit the promise land, and eventually the world, and his descendants would be as the sand of the sea. Well, cutting it short, many years go by, Abraham and his wife were past the age of child bearing and they still had no descendants. Sarah, Abraham’s wife, told him to take his slave woman and bear a child, as it must be Gods will (in her own mind). Of course they were wrong in this assumption, but having done so, this made their first offspring the holder of the birthright, traditionally given to the first born. The Islam’s claim this heritage and the promise land as theirs by promise and tradition, and the USA, by virtue of power, stands in their way. Naturally then (in their minds) we are going against God in this affair, and thus, a “Holy War” is justified by the followers of Osama bin Laden and the others (many others) around the Arab world. This seems like the way it should be (the first born is the heir) until one reads the scriptural accounts, rejected of course by the Islam’s, but accepted by the Israelites and the Christians alike. In the end unfortunately it’s scriptural history that cannot be denied, that is, unless you remove those parts of the scripture that tell how God decided the birthright affair. You see, this is the problem with all religions today, when they come to a part of the bible that disagrees with what they believe, they dismiss it as not a part of the word of God, and as a result we have bigotry, fanaticisms and terrorism under religious justification. Since the Muslims and Islamic and most of the Arab nations, who believe the bible the Christians hold as scripture is false, we have a Holy War on our hands, because Christians hold that history cannot be segmented, at least when we don’t want it to be, we stand firm. We (USA Christians) call ourselves freedom fighters, and yet, we are on the verge of passing laws aganist our own religious freedoms, whether by separation from it, or laws to enforce it, and eventually doing it by passing laws to support one religion over the other. Look at history: Lets take the “Sunday Blue Laws” for example; still on our legal books today from since the turn of the last (1800’s) century. When the congress of the United States passed these laws to appease the influence of the Papacy over certain senators who were in power at that time. One senator was quoted as saying ‘there is only room for one religion on our continent and that is the Roman Catholic religion’, thus to compromise (I assume) with this growing power, the Sunday blue laws were passed under penalty of law against its perpetrators and many were persecuted as a result. Since that time those laws “by popular demand” have been restrained, except for some highly populated Catholic areas around the country, where you can’t do any work on that day or buy beer etc. or you’ll be fined or thrown in jail, but the point is “they are still on the books”. I had a friend that was jailed because he was mowing their lawn on Sunday so don’t tell me they are not enforceable at the drop of a whim. The BIG point is; “real religion” is “freedom of religion” and that was the very foundation of this nation, at least until things like the Sunday blue laws, and Darwinism, and humanism stepped in; and now terrorism the lodgical next step, which naturally will call for a religious unity and doctrines being drawn up to strike out against (under law-legally of course) to silence such religious fanatics or groups the “religio-political congress” feel are a threat to this nation (where does it end ? or begin is a matter of time). You say here you go again out on a tangent bashing Catholics without cause. I say to those who do not know their history to stand by and look at the evidence and you will see an absolute connection to the ideology of the Papacy (of the past) and the Islamic justifications for “Holy Wars” that “will be fought in the future”, “as” have been fought in the past, “as” being fought in the present. We are so blind that we cannot see the return of religion to politics and as a result we “will” pass laws against our “own freedoms” to support what we feel, as Osama bin Laden, are justified in the site of God (re Rev. 13), never once looking to see “Gods opinion and prophecies” concerning these very things we are doing or going to do. We see then the battle “holy war” being fought by the Palestinians et al and the Israelites and we didn’t know the history until now. I have a National Press Club tape, I purchased from C-SPAN where; Arafat (a man I like personally) claims roots from the direct descendant of Ishmael. Making him and his descendants, by virtue of the Christian bible[4], “not” the inheritors of the Holy lands as claimed. But hold on now this is not a conclusion; Haven’t you ever wondered why the Holy Temple Mount is under the Muslim flag even to today? The Arab alliance is strong and diverse and “really friends”, when it comes down to it “today”, “after Christ[5]”, they are just as worthy as the Israelites as being the keepers of it. That seems like then a contradiction in the scripture, when I say they are just as worthy to hold land in Israel as the Israelites, having told the story of Gods choice of Isaac, but it’s true; for when Jesus came and was rejected by his own his chosen, his “predicted inheritors” of the birthright (Israel), and when they strung him up as an enemy they were rejected as a nation and people, and the temple as well as the birthright, and the inheritance was given to the Gentiles. Now get this big point; Gentiles, are anyone who calls on the name of the Creator God through Jesus Christ. So the temple mount is up for grabs under that osmosis. The important part of the inheritance, of this birthright then, we all are now to be privy to, is not our nationality, or what we consider to be a Gentile, nor land, nor world Vicar, but is “the Covenant”, the Covenant is our inheritance, but we have no knowledge of what that means, or we have perverted what it is at its very roots that we don’t honestly know what it means, and I mean in all religions calling upon the name of God. God tells us (through His Son) it is those who keep the Covenant who are the true seed of Israel, and inheritors of eternal life, not just some land once called the promise land, for we who believe in the covenant, and keep it, look for a promise land not of this world but in HEAVEN that’s where we set our sights. What was the covenant? This is so vital, and as you will see, is what truly separates Gods people from all the other religious claims; The “Covenant”; was kept in the “Ark of the Covenant” and was carried around by the children of God wherever they settled. This same covenant; broken by Adam and Eve, preserved by Noah, faithfully kept by Abraham, written down by Gods own finger for mankind and given to Moses, handed down through generations of the chosen people kept without one fault by the Son of God who came (prophetically, in time) to display its righteousness, preserved through the dark ages (1260 years) where it came under attack and was altered by the religion in power, yet preserved by the faithful saints of God protected by Him (re Rev. 12) and given to His remnant saints as the last day gospel to go to all the world to every nation tongue and people (re Rev. 14) calling them back to the covenant and the Creator, God, who is one day (prophetically) sending His Son back to gather the faithful who have “kept the covenant” from all ages, who have and will bind them in their hearts and minds as a forever covenant of faith, who will bind them in their personality (would rather die than break one - as Jesus), the covenant Adam and Eve breached way back in the beginning, this people would never breach even in death and thus sin will never rise again once it is put down. Where should we stand then in this Holy war coming? Why, “with God” of course? But what does that mean, and on who’s side? Some say the Catholics, some say the Baptists, Methodists, Jehovah Witnesses, Hindus, Muslims, Buddhists, Adventists take your choice; but in your evaluation be sure to refer to the handed down “book of God” and His covenant as your bases of comparison, and when you do, you will find that “no Holy war”[6] (or what ever we want to call it) can possibly be justified unless its against sin and Satan. You say I harp on the same subjects? You say I always refer to the Papacy as some future beast when it’s the Osama bin Ladins who we should fear? ANOTHER
Prayer THINK
Mohammed is already battle hardened. Captured with 1,500 other Talib fighters and held by northern forces for eight months, only 364 men emerged alive when the two sides exchanged prisoners. “When our captors threw a melon rind on the ground, we would fight over it like dogs,” Mohammed said. Mohammed said he is scarred for life, and pins his hopes on securing an Afghan passport. “Then maybe I can get into Pakistan and pay somebody to smuggle me to Europe.”
Arafat addressed the National Press Club several years back and said;
“you’ve herd of Abraham” ? and as the camera paned the audience it
appeared to me as if they had no idea who or “what at least” he was
talking about, truly it was obvious. [2]
True we choose
to follow Jesus as the promised Messiah of Prophecy, and they still look
for the Messiah. [3]
Don’t take me
wrong I am only equating this analogy to the miss use of power by any
agency. I stand firm in my
history and heritage with the patriotic loyalty of the fathers and but
not necessarily with the amendments of late. [4]
See my article
on the King James bible and how it was constructed from ancient
manuscripts gathered from the ancient world not just one area as other
bibles. [5]
3:28-29. [6]
I say this
aginist spiritural things not physical.
The USA is purly justified to defend its people as is Arafat or
any nation for that matter aginist Satanic forces as long as we can well
define them to be.
Egyptology l Orion l Archeology l The Papasy l The Flood l Left Behind l Holy War l Watchman l Yahoo Debate l Whats New
Mosescats.com? Read the following and weep, you who have chosen one of the above religions as your bases of comparison against the bible, and “the bible only” as the Word of God; Seek rather the Remnant of the seed who keep the commandments of God (the covenant) and have faith in Jesus Christ.
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